Regardless if you stay home or go out to work, you probably have wondered, does motherhood ever get any better? Essentially it is our habits that create for us a happy disposition towards life and motherhood. So here’s how to be a successful stay at home mom and feel fulfilled in our journey.
Is it Worth Being a Stay at Home Mom?
There is more to motherhood than changing diapers. I think everyone would agree on that, but what’s always in question is the need or use of being a stay at home mom. Of course, it’s worth it! You are raising a human being… not just any, but your very own offspring.
Being a stay at home mom allows you more time to do the most important work of your life.
Now, I admit, I didn’t know how to be a stay at home mom either, but that doesn’t mean there is no point to doing it. And you know what it’s questioned so much? It’s not really because moms at home struggle emotionally. It’s not a question because of stay at home mom depression either.
The real question is, “how can I make money as a stay at home mom?” Yep, that’s really what’s on the mind of everyone who has questioned this lifestyle.
Is it worth being a stay at home mom, is a valid question! There definitely is a need to provide for your growing child, to feel that you are contributing to the household income, and to have a little extra so you don’t go insane.
But I do feel this is a different conversation to be covered. How to be a successful stay at home mom isn’t only about money. Actually it’s very little about how to make money from home, and more about motivation, love, and feeling fulfilled at home.
To my task-oriented brain, all of these directly correlate to having a good schedule.
Creating a Good Stay at Home Mom Schedule
Most of your stay at home mom motivation will come from keeping a schedule. No, really, hear me out. A good stay at home mom schedule will not only keep you productive but will allow you to see that you are being productive.
Now, I do recommend that for new mommies you do a routine instead (and I’ll talk more about that later) but once you are out of that newborn and toddler stage, and are more into the preschooler stage, having a schedule will be invaluable. Every day won’t seem so much like the same old thing.
So what should a schedule include? Well, this might be a better question:
What do you do daily, consistently, every week, every month, morning and night?
Once you start forming the answers to this, you will need to write them into a monthly, weekly and daily schedule. If you need help figuring out just how to do this, I have a resource for you where I walk you step by step to how to create a plan and schedule for your days. It’s called the Get Something Done guide for moms and you can get yours for free by clicking the image.
The problem with knowing how to be a successful stay at home mom is that many of our lives are completely out of order.
We are doing the wrong actions, in confusing ways. Plus, if you struggle with an undisciplined mindset we will struggle at home instead of succeeding. Some of these wrong actions and mindsets include leaving dirty dishes when we have the time and energy to wash them, staying up watching your favorite crime drama (me) instead of resting in the appropriate amounts or reacting in anger towards your kids when they are just so little and learning better behaviors takes time. If you look at yourself in the mirror you’ll realize that.
These are bad habits we want to avoid.
Bad habits also include wrong thinking and defeating self-talk. Destroy the bad habits of motherhood, they fill you with guilt and shame.
We may begin there but we don’t have to stay there.
You can be successful in your actions and reactions.
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What are the Habits of a Successful Stay at Home Mom?
There are certain things that moms at home can do to make themselves successful, but know how to be a successful stay at home mom includes your spiritual habits as well as physical day to day habits. Let’s cover the things you can do.
Successful stay at home moms know the value of time with their Creator. They know that in order for them to get through the day they need to seek out regularly the One who Created that day.
Highly important. You must be refueled by God’s Word, but also have specific times to take care of your body and mind. Real time-out for exercise, appropriate sleep, and eating well. Also fun things like doing your nails, reading a book or playing a game.
Now I’m building a staircase for you. Once you are on step three, you should have strength in what you are doing and the abilities you own. Of course, we need to think practically about what we are able to do, however, we are to walk in confidence that He who created the day also created you and your situation. He put within you have the know-how to be a successful stay at home mom.
Think about that. God gave you children, those children in particular, and He gave them you as their mother. Everything they need in a mother, you already have it. The type of instruction, love, and guidance.
Be confident in your decisions. Be confident that you can continue creating habits and sticking to them.
Remember earlier we talked about creating a good stay at home mom schedule? Well, when you have little ones you can’t really do that well. Once your child is potty trained it’s easier to do a schedule but before that, you need to create routines.
Create a regular rhythm to your days and weeks, otherwise, you aren’t going to be successful. You will be scattered. You are going to miss opportunities and the distractions of life will just whisk you away. Create routines and you will get so much more accomplished.
I encourage you to delegate to your husband and children. We aren’t perfect moms, some things we cannot possibly accomplish without regular help from others. So thinking like a CEO will lead you in how to be a successful stay at home mom. You aren’t in the factory line creating the widgets and you aren’t in the tech department running the virus scans, you are the CEO, with your hand in many areas all day. This means you must delegate.
Learn all about how to Manage Your Home like the Boss You Are
Like a CEO you also need breaks. You need time away because you have a high-stress job. You really do. You need time away, especially if you are at home and always with your littles. You will be refreshed and more able to serve those you love most.
Habits of successful stay at home moms always include creating limits. Be a good mom not only by taking breaktimes but also by establishing boundaries. Know when and how to say no.
Instead say, “I’ll get back to you”, or “Let me think about that”. You can also tell them you need to ask your husband if you know it might affect him.
Don’t burden yourself with a ton of commitments, your life is pretty full as is.
The next step is to be flexible.
So there is a balance to how to be a successful stay at home mom. Yes, you need breaks and limits but you aren’t a robot. Plans change, our rhythm is thrown off, kids get sick. All kinds of things come up in mom life, but to be a successful stay at home mom we have to roll with the punches. Don’t make such a rigid schedule that you aren’t ready if something happens that you didn’t expect.
When something unexpected happens, think, “What can I do instead?”, “Can I stay a little longer and help clean up?”, “Can I reschedule?”
Get used to rescheduling things.
How crazy it is that moms play the comparison game. We have these preconceived notions of motherhood and so we judge based off of what we only imagine would work best. Regardless of the reasons, stop looking outward.
Instead, look in and think, “How can I best help?” Instead of judging, ask them just to be your friend, or if they need anything, like a babysitter for the day.
Don’t ignore this one just because it’s last on the list. Successful moms know they need help. It’s okay to take offered help. It’s okay to ask for help if there are no offers. If you need a break (or a few), seek out someone to babysit. Ask neighbors or friends to visit with you. Don’t be prideful or scared, we all need help.
These habits won’t just take a front seat in your life. Habits take effort. Habits take time. But with small steps consistently you will know how to be a successful stay at home mom and do exactly what you’ve been created to do.
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