Proverbs 31 Woman and Mompreneur
Are you considering starting a business when you are already a mom? The example of biblical Womanhood proverbs 31 Woman can give you some guidance.
Starting a business seems nearly an impossibility. This may seem to be an impossible task, but if you are like me, you just may be called to start a business – or somehow working from home. Maybe you have already started a side hustle because you just want to make money without much effort but that dividends weren’t quite what you were hoping.
Now you are faced with going back into a career outside the home. Pushed and pulled between work life, home life, and your desire to create something of your own.
Is that really the life you were meant for?
Could there be another option?
Yes, you could bump your side hustle up into a full-fledged entrepreneurship!
But you may be asking how amongst the tantrums, the sleeplessness, the trips to the park, and stories before bed? Isn’t motherhood by itself my highest calling? How could I also feel called to start a business at the same time?
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[bctt tweet=”Yes, you could bump your side hustle up into a full-fledged entrepreneurship! How could I be called to motherhood and start a business at the same time? #entrepreneur #mompreneur #momlife” username=”mRosebarnett”]
You’re Awesome Mom Purpose
In my post Your Awesome Mom Purpose I separate the truth of mom life from fiction and prove motherhood is not our highest calling. However, neither is business. Our highest calling is to know Christ and be like Him and His sufferings. That is hard to swallow (which is why I put a nice bit of humor and lots of pretty things to look at in that article) but all the ups and downs of life is so we will be more like Him.
If you want to know more about your purpose and power as a mom you want to read this foundational post.
How to Finally Know Your Awesome Mom Purpose so you can stop trying to be a good mom and be an epic mom.
So could I be both a Proverbs 31 Woman AND Start a Business?
It is it possible to be called to be an entrepreneur — that’s just a fancy word for a person who starts a business from scratch. And yes it’s possible! The Proverbs 31 Woman definitely is shown doing business activities. And not in exchange for praise, but for profit.
Proverbs 31:16
She considers a field and buys it; earnings she plants a vineyard
Proverbs 31:24
She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies belt to the tradesman.
She’s so awesome in her mom purpose while selling and using her earnings to invest in land, that will give her even more dividends.
It is obvious that she does this for her family to not just survive but to thrive.
Proverbs 31:27
She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
I know. As much as you may want to start a business, do something more than sell your children’s clothes on Facebook, you are scared. If you start buying and selling clothes or you start a regular tutoring service, a lot of things could happen.
You could not be able to sell what you’ve bought. You might get tired of tutoring after you promised to do it for the whole school year. It’s possible that you might not get any leads. It’s possible that you’ll waste your time. But the truth is if you don’t try to do this you’ll regret it.
If you truly feel a yearning to do more, maybe out of necessity for income or maybe because you just feel a spark in yourself that you can’t ignore, then you will certainly regret not taking the time to see if it’ll work. I mean, the time is passing by anyway! Might as well try to do something with it.
I can give guidance for your business path.
I have found when I journal that I REALLY get a lot of clarity about my goals and my business. Somehow when I write them down for only me to see, in the quiet of those pages God shows me more clearly than when I chat with someone or post it in the blogging Facebook groups.
I encourage you, if you don’t have one, pick up a journal and start journaling today. You can see my faves from Amazon in my Journaling Shop or you might like these from Cultivate (my absolute favorite brand to promote).
Trust me, you aren’t alone in fearing to start.
I was definitely fearful when I talked with my husband and he suggested that I should be a mom coach. I felt like a shy 8-year-old up on stage for the first time. I thought this is too big for me, all I want to do is to be a blogger!
But I cannot tell you how glad I am that I didn’t shut down that idea. I have been able to help so many moms already! It feels great because it’s exactly what I am crafted to do, encourage and guide. My favorite things are to teach and make life clear for others to live the life God has made them to live!
So don’t stop at your fears. Putting your stuff out there is meant to help someone else.
You can be a Proverbs 31 Woman in Business
There was a time when I just could not bear to think about this fictitious woman. Proverbs 31 to me meant an impossible height to reach. A type of Pinterest perfection, before Pinterest was even around.
But now I see clearly that she is a great example for women, not to be perfect, but to be what God Meant For Us.
She helps us to see that life has many dimensions and that we should not to settle for less but to do my best. Watching her allows us to imagine being a business owner and mother. It’s obvious why God told us that her lamp does not go out at night in verse 9. It’s not because she CAN do everything but because as a mom (and a mompreneur) you do feel always on.
But never fear! God has your back he will encourage you in this journey he has called you to.
Encouragement beyond the Proverbs 31 Woman
Deuteronomy 8:18
and you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you power to get wealth to establish his Covenant which he swore to your father’s as it is this day.
Isaiah 48:17
Thus says the Lord your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel the Lord your God who teaches you to profit who leads you by the way you should go.
Romans 12:2
and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.