Are you ready to start living life the way you want, but not sure how to avoid fade out? Y’know, fade out, what happens when you try to reach your goals. You have a great start then you slowly fade away from doing it.
That’s why you are reading this, isn’t it?
It isn’t that you don’t have goals – almost everyone has some type of goals.
It isn’t that you don’t want success – almost everyone wants to achieve success.
The problem is you aren’t making traction and you may be ready to give up.
Well, today I want to help you organize your mom life by creating tangible daily goals and explaining to you how to actually make some moves.
Now this plan may need you to stay motivated in order to follow through. But if your problem isn’t motivation, you may be wondering what is the problem?
What should you be doing instead to reach your goals?
You know the recipe.
We’ve gone over How to Tap into your Mommy Superpower and the 5 Smart Goal Setting Strategies, however, we haven’t talked about how to take all that and really Crush Your Goals.
Did you notice I said CRUSH?
This is beyond just how to reach your goals. I mean, ladies, just knowing what S.M.A.R.T. goals are and thinking you will act on it isn’t enough.
It doesn’t matter if it’s New Years Day, a new quarter, the birth of a child, planning your week or your hopes for your summer bucket list – just goal-setting will leave you in for a letdown.
Let’s not go in and down, but out and up!
You can achieve that 1up in life by completing tasks. And in order to crush your goals and complete task after task, you must Create Good Habits.
I’m convinced that a person just won’t achieve their goals without systems, routines, and habits. I want you to get there – having success in your daily life by creating the right systems to lead you into good habits of completing the tasks to reach your goals.
Now, where do you start?
First, go and download my guide to Actually Get Something Done.
In this simple guide, I give you a worksheet for listing your mom life goals, tasks and habit triggers that will allow you to reach those goals. You’ll also get a sample daily and weekly routine and a blank routine sheet, along with some encouragement so you can rule your days.
Get Yours Now by clicking the image below.
Second – and this is important for you to get past just goal-setting – go to my post How to Create Good Habits.
Read about how to create goals that matter and habits that stick by using habit triggers.
In this post, you also can listen to a podcast interview with James Clear on his new book, Atomic Habits, where many of these ideas came from. Plus I give you a Youtube video on how to stop bad habits! All of this is available in my blog post Get the Life You Love: How to Create Good Habits
Tell me below, what habits are you trying to make stick.
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