Your Mom Life Priorities List
I can’t seem to juggle everything (what a surprise) so I make lists a lot. Yes, I’m a list-maker but in this post, I’m advocating that you should be too. Having a priorities list will give you a big step ahead in your day, week, well, in your life.
Be the Boss
When you are in charge of your schedule you are in charge of your life. The problem is this leaves a mom constantly having to make decisions and decision-fatigue is a real thing. You cannot let that stop you. If you aren’t making the decisions for your own life, someone else is and will! Other moms will convince you to do playdates or shop at certain stores. Your own mother may tell you when to bring her grandkids over. Demands of work, community service or some other hobby-like commitments will leave you scurrying this way and that.
You will be left frustrated and tired, not able to accomplish your goals. If you want any type of life organization, and to be left with little to no regrets, you’ve got to be the boss. This does take some amount of backbone, and I know some of us struggle in that area more than others.
One lovely thing I’ve learned (among many!) from Michael Hyatt is that you can bow out gracefully while leaving good feelings for all.
Simply schedule into your calendar your priorities, no matter if they are an actual appointment with another person or not. Your priorities are definitely important enough to schedule them. Then when someone asks you to do something, let them know you will look at your calendar.
When you see you’ve scheduled something you won’t be lying when you tell them you are busy at that time. If it’s something you want to happen, you can schedule a convenient time for you.
Did you notice I said “you” 3 times? Don’t allow your life to become someone else’s chess game.
What is a Priorities List?
So I keep saying priorities, but what is a priority? Well, the word literally means,
being regarded as important; first concern; regarded as more important than another.
So you see, these are the first things in your life. Above that last-minute plan that your sister had. Things that come before your child’s whining fit. What you hold of higher importance than you just gotta see the next episode of that Netflix show, after you’ve already binged 4 episodes and it’s past your bedtime.
Making a priorities list is putting down on paper (or in an app), in some visual solid form what your own priorities are.
Why You Need Clearly Defined Priorities
The simple answer is to end confusion. Day to day there are babies crying, dinner to be made, and sleep you are longing to have. The various tasks with little help or direction, plus lack of sleep, leads you to be confused about what your priorities are. You don’t always have time to ponder the best decision.
If you have a list ready, goals already defined, you will have more will-power to say no at the right times. You will have more mental strength to discipline your out of control preschooler. You will know the best choice for your preteen’s party invite that will happen on an important family date.
Confusion will be put to the side when you have to delegate a task so that you can do the higher importance one.
Making a Mom Life Priorities List
This is a process. You aren’t going to be able to sit down and make a list all in one sitting. Not the whole list. Your priorities need to be something you pray about.
You have to look over your life, going beyond habits, beyond just schedule, even beyond simply goal-setting. Read more about going beyond in my post Beyond S.M.A.R.T.
Get My Guide for Moms: Actually Get Something Done
This guide has everything you need to create goals and actually check them off.
What do you truly want your life to look like? What kind of mother do you want to be? Now don’t get trapped in perfectionism, or trying to be your own mom, but I know you have goals for your family. How about your days? What is at least 1 goal you’d like to keep every day? Maybe you have 2 or 3? Your health certainly can be a goal, but don’t forget to be specific. What specifically do you want to accomplish with your health, this year, this month, today?
You probably want me to just spell out your priorities but I can’t. They are YOUR priorities and only you know your own life needs, hopes, and dreams. But I will give you a short guideline:
A) Your relationship with your Creator – this is the path to wisdom and clarity
B) Your wellness, including appropriate amounts of sleep, exercise, and healthy food
C) Your family, meaning your husband and your children
D) Your home
There are a lot of other things that we have in our lives regularly but I would press you to make sure your priorities list have these are the tip-top.
Examples of Priorities
So here are some examples of priorities to get you going.
- Mommy Friend Dates
- Playdates
- A Decluttered Home
- Dishes Done Daily
- Mommy Night Out Once a Month
- Dad’s Day With Friends
- Daddy and Daughter Dates
- Family Bible Time
- Yearly Family Vacations
- Bone Broth at Every Meal
- Becoming Debt-Free
- Staying Debt-Free
- Keeping X Amount of Money for Spending
- Having 2 Hours of Quiet Time a Day
These are just some random examples to give ideas for your priorities list. This isn’t meant to be your list. You still have to do that on your own. But If you need more guidance, I’m your gal!
Need a Template or Two?
Download my Free Guide to Get your Goals Crushed